The Sex Talk You've Never Had: Safer Sex Kitbuilding
Oct. 28, 2024, 1pm to 5pm
Campus Location
Office/Remote Location
Part of a long-running service tradition, UNLVolunteers presents, in collaboration with The Wellness Zone, a day of not only service (building safer sex kits) but a talk and conversation about safer sex practices.
Join UNLVolunteers for a quick panel and discussion, along with some kit building, to talk about safer sex! We will have various campus partners to give you all the insights on not just safer sex but also what it means to practice good, healthy sex habits.
We will be providing catering that day on a first-come, first-serve basis along with building safer sex kits to give out across campus.
Participants will be eligible for 1.5 hours of service time
Admission Information
RSVP is not required, but recommended