Rebel Recovery: Trauma and Recovery Free Educational Sessions


Aug. 28, 2024, 8:30am to 4:30pm
Show Recurring Dates

Campus Location

Office/Remote Location

Rooms 205, 207, 209, 211, 213


This forum, hosted by Rebel Recovery, features consultants with the federal Office for Victims of Crime, Training and Technical Assistance Center (T/TAC), who are experts in mass violence response and recovery. The purpose of these forums is to discuss what the typical range of responses to mass violence on a college campus entails, and what can be expected throughout the ongoing recovery process. This is also an opportunity for you to share what the most pressing needs are for you and your colleagues, where you are finding support, and where support is still needed,

Who Should Attend?

Anyone who is concerned about themselves or others who were impacted directly or indirectly by the mass violence incident on the UNLV campus, on December 6, 2023.

What Will Be Covered?

The workshop will cover:

  • Foundations of Trauma
  • Dynamics of and Reactions to Mass Violence
  • The Path of Recovery for Individuals and Communities
  • Encouraging Resilience
  • Caring for Ourselves and Others


Wednesday, Aug. 28
  • 8:30 - 9:30 a.m.: Trauma 101 for students in room SU 211
  • 8:30 - 9:30 a.m.: Trauma 101 for faculty in room SU 213
  • 1:30 - 2:30 p.m.: Trauma 101 for students in room SU 211
  • 1:30 - 2:30 p.m.: Trauma 101 for faculty in room SU 213
  • 3 - 4 p.m.: Understanding Trauma in the Workplace & How to Support Team Members for supervisors in room SU 211
  • 3 - 4 p.m.: Trauma 101 for students in SU 213
Thursday, Aug. 29
  • 8:30 - 9:30 a.m.: Trauma 101 for faculty in room SU 211
  • 8:30 - 9:30 a.m.: Trauma 101 for staff in room SU 213
  • 10 - 11 a.m.: Understanding Trauma in the Workplace & How to Support Team Members for supervisors in room SU 211
  • 1 - 2 p.m.: Trauma 101 for students in room SU 213
  • 3 - 4 p.m.: Understanding Trauma in the Workplace & How to Support Team Members for supervisors in room SU 211
  • 3 - 4 p.m.: Trauma 101 for staff in SU 213

Admission Information

No tickets or registration required. Any campus community member is welcome to attend. 

Contact Information

UNLV Student Wellness
Kristen Linford


Open to All