OUR: What is Your Story? Inspiring Undergraduate Researcher Testimonials


Jul. 19, 2024, 11am to 11:45am
Show Recurring Dates

Office/Remote Location

Room 108


Partaking in undergraduate research is a process. In this workshop, you will hear from a panel of students in different stages of undergraduate research about how they got started as undergraduate researchers, the opportunities presented to them due to participating in undergraduate research, and their overall research journey. In addition, testimonies will include best practices to engage in and which pitfalls to avoid.

Learning Objectives: By participating in this workshop you will:

  • Hear testimonies from peer students participating in undergraduate research
  • Learn best practices when engaging in undergraduate research
  • Understand how engaging in undergraduate research can foster new professional development and career-centric opportunities

Admission Information

Free to all UNLV students. 

Please RSVP

Contact Information

Office of Undergraduate Research
Susan Hall


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