Our Progress as an Institution - Top Tier 2.0 Campus Forums Oct. 24 & 25


Oct. 24, 2023, 1pm to 2pm

Campus Location

Office/Remote Location



Members of the campus community are encouraged to attend one of the forums listed below to learn about our progress as an institution. Framed through our Top Tier 2.0 strategic plan, data will be shared that highlights our achievements. Sessions will focus on information contained in the annual progress card of leading indicators that helps the university demonstrate mission fulfillment. Complete metrics are also available on the Top Tier 2.0 website, and a full listing of all sessions is provided below.

October 24    

  • 1 p.m. FDH 101
  • 2:30 p.m. FDH 101

October 25

  • 10 a.m. FDH 105
  • 11:30 a.m. FDH 105

Admission Information

Open to the campus and community.

Contact Information

Kyle Kaalberg


Open to All