Nevada Statewide Mental Health Workforce Development Forum
Campus Location
Office/Remote Location
Nevada continues to experience challenges in its behavioral health system, particularly regarding access to mental health services, and a shortage of skilled professionals to meet the needs of the population. The Lincy Institute, along with several partners, will host a statewide mental health workforce development forum.
The forum will be streamed live to viewing sites around the state. Please check back for details about the viewing sites.
The event will include two panels comprised of various stakeholders across the state and representatives of the mental health licensing boards; two national speakers describing mental health workforce development initiatives across the country; and a guided solution-based discussion on strategies to develop a mental health workforce development plan for the state of Nevada.
For more information, visit the Lincy Institute website or email Sara Hunt.
Admission Information
This event is free and open to the public.
To attend, please RSVP.
Contact Information
External Sponsor
Lincy Institute, the UNLV Mental and Behavioral Health Coalition, and several partners around the state of Nevada