MSI Week Workshop: Selling Yourself - How To Write Stellar Cover Letters and Personal Statements


Sep. 25, 2024, 10am to 11:30am
Show Recurring Dates

Office/Remote Location

RSVP to receive link and location details.


This workshop will provide you with the knowledge and skills to write stellar cover letters and personal statements as you apply for jobs and/or graduate school.

Facilitated by: Monesia Hobbs

Admission Information

This event is open to all participants of a Dr. William W. Sullivan Center for Academic Enrichment and Outreach (CAEO) college program. These programs include TRIO Student Support Services, AANAPISI, McNair Scholars Institute, and Rebel Rebound. 

RSVP to attend and receive link and location details. 

Contact Information

The Dr. William W. Sullivan Center for Academic Enrichment and Outreach


Open to All