Happiness: A Key to Life’s Satisfaction


Aug. 7, 2024, 2pm to 3pm

Office/Remote Location



At the end of this workshop, you will be able to:

  • Identify the basic ingredients of happiness
  • Identify the role of research in happiness
  • Describe common myths associated with happiness
  • Describe how the principles of adaptation apply to happiness
  • Identify the role that genetics, situation and choice play in determining your happiness range
  • Identify the role that genetics, situation and choice play in determining your happiness range
  • Describe 10 specific ways to increase your level of happiness
  • Identify ways to assess your own level of happiness
  • Describe ways to incorporate happiness activities into your life which can take only 10 minutes each day
  • Identify the role of gratitude, optimism and kindness in cultivating happiness



Admission Information

Contact Information

Human Resources
Kim Dawes