Camp Death Valley


Feb. 16, 2024 - Feb. 18, 2024, 1:30pm to 10:30am

Office/Remote Location

Death Valley, California


A camping excursion like no other awaits at Death Valley. We’ll explore the Mesquite Sand Dunes, Salt Flats, Golden Canyon, and Gower Gulch Loop which await your exploration – perfect for striking photos at every turn. As night falls, unwind by the campfire under the vast desert sky. Nights in Death Valley are so dark that the park is classified at the highest (Gold Tier) level by the International Dark-Sky Association. Many celestial objects viewed from Death Valley are not visible elsewhere in the world.


The following prices include food and transportation:

  • $120 for students and community members
  • $145 for non-members

Admission Information

There are four ways to register for this trip:

Contact Information

Campus Recreational Services, Outdoor Adventure
Zak Kucherka