Art Exhibition: Implanted Nature


Apr. 4, 2019, 9am to 5pm
Show Recurring Dates

Campus Location

Office/Remote Location

HFA 145, Donna Beam Gallery
Sharifpour plants


Implanted Nature

Nanda Sharif-pour MFA Thesis Exhibition

March 27 – April 4, 2019

Donna Beam Gallery


Implanted Nature presents a series of works by MFA candidate, Nanda Sharif-pour, which put Nature on display. The artist invites the audience to experience the simulation of an outdoor space in a staged indoor installation. The works provide a bountiful sensory stimulus that represents a real experience. Sharif-pour uses video-projection, installation and interactive sound counterparts to place the viewer face to face with familiar phenomenon, and yet question the understanding of the familiarity when placed in a different context.


No charge

Admission Information

Free and open to the public

Contact Information

HFA 145
Jerry Schefcik

More info on this event

External Sponsor

Donna Beam Gallery, Department of Art, College of Fine Arts