Anthropology Proseminar Series: "Intersectionality and Industrialization"


Sep. 23, 2024, 11:30am to 12:30pm

Office/Remote Location



Speaker: Samantha Yaussy, Ph.D.,,James Madison University

In the second installment of the weekly Proseminar Series, hosted by the Department of Anthropology,  Yaussy will be sharing some of their exploration of frailty and identity in 18th and 19th-century England via their expertise in biological/forensic anthropology.

For many of us, the phrase "industrial revolution" evokes images of poorly-ventilated factories, crowded living spaces, and soot-stained skies. Indeed the rapid industrialization and urbanization of England in the aforementioned centuries resulted in a variety of negative health outcomes for individuals living the country's urban centers.

However, Yaussy's research indicates that all the risks associated were not equally distributed among all members of the population. Calling for a more intersectional perspective in order to properly research as well as understand the long history of relationships that have existed between social identities and and health. 

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Department of Anthropology
Matthew Montalto