Alternative Route to Licensure Virtual Information Sessions


Apr. 16, 2024, 5:30pm to 6:30pm

Office/Remote Location



Are you considering a career change and aspire to create a positive impact on your community? If you have a passion for being in the classroom and fostering a lifelong learning culture, consider UNLV College of Education's Alternative Route to Licensure program.

Our Alternative Route to Licensure program offers a streamlined path to teaching for those with a bachelor's degree outside the field of education.Join us for an enlightening session where we will delve into the program's eligibility criteria, requirements, application deadlines, and resources/support available.



Admission Information

These information sessions will be conducted via Zoom in Pacific Standard Time and are expected to last approximately one to one and a half hours. Please RSVP to ensure you receive the correct session link. We look forward to connecting with you!

Zoom Meeting Information

Join virtually via Zoom

Meeting ID: 938 8842 4666

Passcode: 05121209

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Contact Information

College of Education
Briseyda Montes