
The Department of Teaching & Learning holds as its central mission the preparation and development of educators at all levels. The department ensures that its professional education programs are based on essential knowledge, established and current research findings, and sound professional practice. The M.Ed. consists of required core courses coupled with courses specifically related to the area of concentration. A culminating experience concludes the degree and provides evidence of the knowledge, skills, and dispositions gained while in the program.

Available Options

  • Professional Studies Track
    • Career, Technical & Postsecondary Education
    • Children's and Young Adult Literature
    • Educational Technology
    • English Language Arts
    • Instructional Design
    • K-8 Integrated STEM Education
    • Leadership for Teachers and Professionals
    • Literacy Education
    • Math Education
    • Multicultural Education
    • Professional Training and Development
    • Science Education
    • Workforce Education Leadership
  • Elementary Education Alternative Route to Licensure (ARL) Track
  • Elementary Education Teach for America (TFA) Track
  • Secondary English Education ARL Track
  • Secondary Math Education ARL Track
  • Secondary Science Education ARL Track
  • Secondary Social Studies Education ARL Track
  • Secondary English Language Arts Education TFA Track
  • Secondary Mathematics Education TFA Track
  • Secondary Science Education TFA Track
  • Secondary Social Studies Education TFA Track


For information regarding accreditation at UNLV, please head over to Academic Program Accreditations.

Learning Outcomes

Upon completion of this program, graduates will be able to:

  • Apply knowledge of how learners grow and develop, recognizing that patterns of learning and development vary individually within and across the cognitive, linguistic, social, emotional, and physical areas, by designing and implementing developmentally appropriate and challenging learning experiences. (Learner Development)
  • Use understanding of individual differences and diverse cultures and communities to ensure inclusive learning environments that enable each learner to meet high standards. (Learner Differences)
  • Work with others to create environments that support individual and collaborative learning, and that encourage positive social interaction, active engagement in learning, and self-motivation. (Learning Environment)
  • Use the central concepts, tools of inquiry, and structures of the discipline(s) they teach to create learning experiences that make these aspects of the discipline accessible and meaningful for learners to assure mastery of the content. (Content Knowledge)
  • Connect concepts and use differing perspectives to engage learners in critical thinking, creativity, and collaborative problem solving related to authentic local and global issues. (Application of Content)
  • Successfully use multiple methods of assessment to engage learners in their own growth, to monitor learner progress, and to guide the teacher’s and learner’s decision making. (Assessment)
  • Plan instruction that supports every student in meeting rigorous learning goals by drawing upon knowledge of content areas, curriculum, cross-disciplinary skills, and pedagogy, as well as knowledge of learners and the community context. (Planning for Instruction)
  • Successfully use a variety of instructional strategies to encourage learners to develop deep understanding of content areas and their connections, and to build skills to apply knowledge in meaningful ways. (Instructional Strategies)
  • Engage in ongoing professional learning and use evidence to continually evaluate their practice, particularly the effects of their choices and actions on others (learners, families, other professionals, and the community), and adapts practice to meet the needs of each learner. (Professional Learning)
  • Seek appropriate leadership roles and opportunities to take responsibility for student learning, to collaborate with learners, families, colleagues, other school professionals, and community members to ensure learner growth, and to advance the profession. (Leadership & Collaboration)

Career Possibilities

  • Elementary teacher
  • Secondary teacher
  • Instructional coach
  • Educational specialist
  • Curriculum development
  • Online teaching and training
  • Diversity specialist


Master of Education - Curriculum & Instruction

Plan Description

The Department holds as its central mission the preparation and development of educators at all levels. The department ensures that its professional education programs are based on essential knowledge, established and current research findings, and sound professional practice.

The Department offers M.Ed. subplans for those interested in completing a Master's degree and meeting requirements for a teaching license through the Alternative Route to Licensure (ARL) or Teach For America (TFA) subplans. Subplan 1, Professional Studies, is mostly for teachers with a standard teaching license. For the following emphasis areas a standard teaching license is not required for admission: Career & Technical and Postsecondary Education, Educational Technology, or Multicultural Education. Students can also earn a Master's degree in some content areas through a partnership with the Regional Professional Development Program (RPDP).

For more information about your program, including your graduate program handbook and learning outcomes, please visit the Degree Directory.

Plan Admission Requirements

Application Deadlines

Applications available on the UNLV Graduate College website.

All domestic and international applicants must review and follow the Graduate College Admission and Registration Requirements.

(a) Graduate College Admission Requirements

  1. Completed application in the Application Portal and non-refundable application fee. 
  2. Bachelor's Degree – You must hold a four-year baccalaureate from a regionally accredited institution or an approved equivalent.
  3. Grade Point Average – You must have a minimum overall grade point average of 2.75 (4.00=A) for the bachelor's degree or a minimum 3.00 (4.00=A) for the last two years (60 semester credits). 
  4. All applicants are required to submit an unofficial transcript from each postsecondary institution attended, showing all degrees and coursework, the dates awarded, and grades received. Official transcripts required upon admission.
    1. Credentials not in English must be accompanied by an English translation certified as true by a university official, an official representative of a United States embassy or consulate, the United States Information Service, the United States Education Foundation, or an approved professional translating service. Notarized copies of originals or translations are not considered official.

(b) Department Admission Requirements

In addition to meeting the admission requirements of the Graduate College, applicants must also meet the requirements established by the Department of Teaching and Learning. They are:

  1. An overall undergraduate grade point average (GPA) of 3.00 is required for admission. Students with a GPA of less than 3.00 but greater or equal to 2.75 may be admitted to the graduate program upon review of the Admissions Committee.
  2. A one-to two-page statement of intent of professional goals and rationale for pursuing the degree. For subplan 1, in the letter of intent please state the emphasis area you are interested in. 
  3. The names and contact information of two professional references are required in the online application. The professional references will be contacted to submit a letter of recommendation.

Applications are processed when all materials required by both the Graduate College and the Teaching and Learning department have been received. Once received, materials are forwarded to the Graduate Coordinator and the Teaching and Learning Master's Admission Committee to evaluate the applicant's credentials and recommend acceptance or denial into the program.

The Graduate College will send official notification regarding the status of applications through the Grad Rebel Gateway. In addition, an email will be sent from the department of Teaching and Learning identifying an academic advisor. Students are responsible for contacting their advisors upon admission to the program.

Students are accepted into a degree program as described in the Graduate Catalog. The faculty and corresponding sub-disciplines and sub-plans within the described programs are subject to change at any time.

Plan Requirements

Subplan 1 Requirements: Professional Studies (Non-Licensure)

Total Credits Required: 30

Course Requirements

Foundations Courses – Credits: 6

Please complete 6 credits by completing 2 courses from the following list. All foundations courses are not eligible for substitution.

Concentration Courses - Credits: 24

Complete 24 credits of the chosen concentration by following the instructions within the concentration section below. Note: Concentrations are chosen during admission to the program.

Career, Technical & Postsecondary Education (CTPE)

Please complete 24 credits by completing all of the following courses. EDW 748 must be completed for 3 credits. CIG 697 must be completed for 3 credits at the end of the coursework.

Children's and Young Adult Literature

Please complete 24 credits following these directions: 9 credits by completing CIL 604, CIL 680, and CIL 684. Additionally, complete 12 credits of advisor approved electives. At the end of the coursework, complete 3 credits of CIL 699.

Educational Technology (Fully Online option* available)

Please complete 24 credits by completing all of the following courses. At the end of the coursework, complete 3 credits of CIT 673.

English Language Arts

Please complete 24 credits following these directions: 9 credits by completing CIL 616, CIL 642, and CIL 684. Additionally, complete 12 credits of advisor approved electives. At the end of the coursework, complete 3 credits of CIL 699.

Instructional Design (Fully Online option* available)

Please complete 24 credits by completing all of the following courses. CIG 791 must be completed for 3 credits. CIT 673 must be completed for 3 credits at the end of the coursework.

Art Education

Please complete 24 credits following these directions: 6 credits by completing CIG 610 and CIG 618.  Additionally, complete 15 credits of advisor approved electives. At the end of the coursework, complete 3 credits of CIG 697.

K-8 Integrated STEM Education

Please complete 24 credits following these directions: 12 credits by completing CIE 621, CIE 633, CIE 634, and choose either CIE 631 or CIE 637. Additionally, complete 9 credits of advisor approved electives. At the end of the coursework, complete 3 credits of CIG 697.

Leadership for Teachers and Professionals

Please complete 24 credits following these directions: 6 credits by completing CIG 684, and CME 700. Additionally, complete 15 credits of advisor approved electives. At the end of the coursework, complete 3 credits of CIG 697.

Literacy Education

Please complete 24 credits following these directions: 9 credits by completing CIL 601, CIL 621, and CIL 680. Additionally, complete 12 credits of advisor approved electives. At the end of the coursework, complete 3 credits of CIL 699.

Math Education

Please complete 24 credits following these directions: 12 credits by completing CIG 620, plus either CIS 624 or CIE 625; and either CIE 627 or CIS 628; and either CIE 629 or CIS 629. Additionally, complete 9 credits of advisor approved electives. At the end of the coursework, complete 3 credits of CIG 697.

Multicultural Education

Please complete 24 credits following these directions: 6 credits by completing CME 770, and CME 765. Additionally, complete 15 credits of advisor approved electives. At the end of the coursework, complete 3 credits of CIG 697.

Professional Training and Development

Please complete 24 credits following these directions: 15 credits by completing, CIT 609, EDW 539, EDW 692, EDW 733, and EDW 749R. Additionally, complete 6 credits of advisor approved electives. At the end of the coursework, complete 3 credits of CIG 697.

Science Education

Please complete 24 credits following these directions: 9 credits by completing three of the following courses CIG 639, CIS 775, CIS 776, and CIS 788. Additionally, complete 12 credits of advisor approved electives. At the end of the coursework, complete 3 credits of CIG 697.

Workforce Education Leadership

Please complete 24 credits by completing all of the following courses. CIG 697 must be completed for 3 credits at the end of the coursework.

Degree Requirements

  • This Subplan is available In-Person, Blended (courses available in person and/or online), or Fully Online (Please see the Fully Online Modality Tracks in Programs section of this Catalog for more information). *Exclusively Fully Online Programs: A fully online student is one who has committed to pursue their entire degree, certificate, or microcredential exclusively through online education. Modality change process: Programs may be offered in more than one modality (instructional mode). If programs offer a fully online option, students may opt for a fully online offering at the time of admission. They will be tagged as a fully online student. Once admitted, students can only change their program modality by sending an email to their respective Graduate College Retention, Progression, and Completion (RPC) Coordinator (grad.rpc@unlv.edu). 

Graduation Requirements

The student must submit all required forms to the Graduate College as well as apply for graduation up to two semesters prior to completing their degree requirements.

Subplan 2 Requirements: Elementary Education Alternative Route to Licensure (ARL) (Licensure) (ON HOLD)

Total Credits Required: 37

Course Requirements

Research Course – Credits: 3

Complete one of the following courses:

Foundations Course – Credits: 3

Curriculum and Instruction Course – Credits: 3

Pedagogy Courses – Credits: 15

Elementary Methods Courses – Credits: 12

Complete four of the following courses:

Culminating Experience – Credits: 1

Subplan 3 Requirements: Elementary Education TFA (Licensure) (ON HOLD)

Total Credits Required: 37

Course Requirements

Required Courses – Credits: 33

Complete these courses:

Research Course – Credits: 3

Complete one of the following courses:

Culminating Experience – Credits: 1

  • CIG 697 - Curriculum and Instruction Culminating Experience
    CIG 697 - Curriculum and Instruction Culminating Experience
    Loading from UNLV Catalog…

    Subplan Note: These courses are only for the M.Ed. portion of this program. Additional requirements exist that do not count towards the master's degree that are required for licensure.

Subplan 4 Requirements: Secondary English Education ARL (Licensure) (ON HOLD)

Total Credits Required: 37

Course Requirements

Research Course – Credits: 3

Complete one of the following courses:

Foundations Course – Credits: 3

Curriculum and Instruction Course – Credits: 3

Pedagogy Courses – Credits: 18

Methods and Assessment – Credits: 6

Technology Course – Credits: 3

Culminating Experience – Credits: 1

Subplan 5 Requirements: Secondary Math Education ARL (Licensure) (ON HOLD)

Total Credits Required: 37

Course Requirements

Research Course – Credits: 3

Complete one of the following courses:

Foundations Course – Credits: 3

Curriculum & Instruction Course - Credits: 3

Pedagogy Courses – Credits: 18

Methods and Assessment – Credits: 6

Complete two of the following courses:

Technology Course – Credits: 3

Culminating Experience – Credits: 1

Subplan 6 Requirements: Secondary Science Education ARL (Licensure) (ON HOLD)

Total Credits Required: 37

Course Requirements

Research Course – Credits: 3

Complete one of the following courses:

Foundations Course – Credits: 3

Curriculum and Instruction Course – Credits: 3

Pedagogy Courses – Credits: 18

Methods and Assessment – Credits: 6

Technology Course – Credits: 3

Culminating Experience – Credits: 1

Subplan 7 Requirements: Secondary Social Studies Education ARL (Licensure) (ON HOLD)

Total Credits Required: 37

Course Requirements

Research Course – Credits: 3

Complete one of the following courses:

Foundations Course – Credits: 3

Curriculum and Instruction Course – Credits: 3

Pedagogy Courses – Credits: 18

Methods and Assessment – Credits: 6

Technology Course – Credits: 3

Culminating Experience – Credits: 1

Subplan 8 Requirements: Secondary English Language Arts Education TFA (Licensure) (ON HOLD)

Total Credits Required: 37

Course Requirements

Required Courses – Credits: 33

Complete these courses:

Research Course – Credits: 3

Complete one of the following courses:

Culminating Experience – Credits: 1

  • CIG 697 - Curriculum and Instruction Culminating Experience
    CIG 697 - Curriculum and Instruction Culminating Experience
    Loading from UNLV Catalog…

    Subplan Note: These courses are only for the M.Ed. portion of the program. Additional requirements exist that do not count towards the master's degree that are required for licensure.

Subplan 9 Requirements: Secondary Mathematics Education TFA (Licensure) (ON HOLD)

Total Credits Required: 37

Course Requirements

Required Courses – Credits: 33

Complete these courses:

Research Course – Credits: 3

Complete one of the following courses:

Culminating Experience – Credits: 1

  • CIG 697 - Curriculum and Instruction Culminating Experience
    CIG 697 - Curriculum and Instruction Culminating Experience
    Loading from UNLV Catalog…
  • Subplan Note: These courses are only for the M.Ed. portion of the program. Additional requirements exist that do not count towards the master's degree that are required for licensure.

Subplan 10 Requirements: Secondary Science Education TFA (Licensure) (ON HOLD)

Total Credits Required: 37

Course Requirements

Required Courses – Credits: 33

Complete these courses:

Research Course – Credits: 3

Complete one of the following courses:

Culminating Experience – Credits: 1

  • CIG 697 - Curriculum and Instruction Culminating Experience
    CIG 697 - Curriculum and Instruction Culminating Experience
    Loading from UNLV Catalog…
  • Subplan Note: These courses are only for the M.Ed. portion of the program. Additional requirements exist that do not count towards the master's degree that are required for licensure.

Subplan 11 Requirements: Secondary Social Studies Education TFA (Licensure) (ON HOLD)

Total Credits Required: 37

Course Requirements

Required Courses – Credits: 33

Complete these courses:

Research Course – Credits: 3

Complete one of the following courses:

Culminating Experience – Credits: 1

  • CIG 697 - Curriculum and Instruction Culminating Experience
    CIG 697 - Curriculum and Instruction Culminating Experience
    Loading from UNLV Catalog…
  • Subplan Note: These courses are only for the M.Ed. portion of the program. Additional requirements exist that do not count towards the master's degree that are required for licensure.

Plan Degree Requirements

  • Students in the Professional Studies subplan must complete a minimum of 30. Students in subplans other than Professional Studies must complete a minimum of 37 credits with a minimum GPA of 3.00.
  • All graduate students are held responsible for the requirements and academic policies established by the Graduate College and outlined in the front of this catalog.
  • Per graduate college requirements, students must be enrolled in at least 3 graduate level credits in the term they will graduate.

Plan Graduation Requirements

The student must successfully complete the culminating experience.

Students may apply for graduation up to two semesters prior to completing their degree requirements. All required forms must be submitted to the graduate college via the Grad Rebel Gateway.




Department of Teaching and Learning

We are focused on educational research and the preparation of educators at all levels. In addition to our bachelor’s, master’s, and doctoral degree programs, our professional education programs focus on essential knowledge, established and current research findings, and sound professional practice.


College of Education

The College of Education creates an intellectual environment that promotes quality instruction, significant research, and professional service. With four unique departments, graduates receive the necessary tools and experiences to make an impact on local, national, and global scales.
