The Department of Teaching & Learning is dedicated to preparing students to excel as elementary teachers. Students who complete this program will earn a bachelor’s degree and be licensed as a K-8 teacher by the State of Nevada. Students who already have a degree and want to become an elementary teacher need to take course work through the teacher licensure program.
For information regarding accreditation at UNLV, please head over to Academic Program Accreditations.
Learning Outcomes
Upon completion of this program, graduates will be able to:
- Create an environment in the classroom that supports children’s growth and learning;
- Develop instructional plans based on current child development and learning theories;
- Generate instructional opportunities that meet the needs of diverse students based on the cultural, developmental, and language needs of the student;
- Demonstrate proficiency in the content areas they will teach including English language arts, science, mathematics, and social studies;
- Use technology appropriate to the teaching and learning situations;
- Devise a classroom management plan and maintain a positive learning environment;
- Foster active inquiry, collaboration, critical thinking skills and supportive interaction in the elementary classroom;
- Develop a variety of formative and summative assessment instruments;
Career Possibilities
Possible career options after receiving this degree:
- Teacher in an elementary school in public or private institutions
- Teacher in a child care facility for young children
Elementary Education (BSEd)
The Department of Teaching & Learning (T&L) is dedicated to preparing students to excel as elementary teachers. Students who complete the Bachelor of Science in Education (BSEd) in Elementary Education and be licensed as a K-8 teacher by the State of Nevada. Students who already have a degree and want to become an elementary teacher need to take course work through the teacher licensure program.
Please see the UNLV Department of Teaching and Learning web page at www.unlv.edu/tl for more information about department programs, faculty, and facilities. Degree worksheets and 4/5 year plan for the major are available at www.unlv.edu/degree/bsed-elementary-education.
Learning Outcomes
- Plan learning experiences based on assessment analysis, content knowledge, curriculum standards, and digital tools to meet the needs of all learners.
- Create and manage an effective learning environment conducive to positive social interactions recognizing individual differences related to culture, learning styles, levels of achievement and experiences.
- Model professional dispositions as a foundation for professional practice and demonstrate ethical and collaborative advocacy for students and the teaching profession.
- Consider students' prior knowledge in planning lessons, actively engage students in learning, make assessment an integral part of the lesson, and reflect on instruction and student achievement using assessment data.
- Use data to inform instruction, make decisions about student learning and demonstrate that teaching behaviors produce verifiable student learning and informs future practice.
- Incorporate digital tools to engage students, document student progress, and provide a digital record of professional growth as a teacher.
Student Teaching in Elementary Education Program
Approval for a student teaching placement is contingent upon:
Completion of all program of study course requirements except
Students who take
Students who do not receive a grade of "B" or better in
Student teaching is a full-time, full-semester experience in an elementary classroom. It involves a mandatory, on-campus orientation; observation and supervised teaching during which the student gradually assumes classroom teaching responsibilities; regularly scheduled observations and evaluations by the classroom teacher who serves as a preservice mentor teacher and by the assigned university site facilitator; and weekly student teaching seminar sessions. Because student teaching is a full-time responsibility, outside employment during that time is strongly discouraged, and the student may enroll in no courses other than
Career Possibilities
Possible career options after receiving this degree:
- Teacher in an elementary school in public or private institutions.
- Teacher in a child care facility for young children,
Please see advising information at the UNLV College of Education Student Services Center.
For information regarding accreditation at UNLV, please head over to Academic Program Accreditations.
University Graduation Requirements
Please see
for complete information.Elementary Education [Grades K-8] (BSEd) Degree Requirements - Total: 120 Credits
General Education Requirements - Subtotal: 39-49 Credits
First-Year Seminar - Credits: 2-3
English Composition - Credits: 6
Second-Year Seminar - Credits: 3
Constitutions - Credits: 3-6
Mathematics - Credits: 6
6 credits of 100+ math, advise students to take MATH 122 and MATH 123
Distribution Requirement - Credits: 19
Please see
for more information.(see note 1-3 below)
- Humanities and Fine Arts: 6 credits in Humanities and 3 credits in Fine Arts
- Social Science: Automatically satisfied by Major requirements
- Life and Physical Sciences (7 credits) and Analytical Thinking (3 credits) [COM 104,Loading from UNLV Catalog…COM 217, orLoading from UNLV Catalog…PHIL 102]Loading from UNLV Catalog…
Multicultural and International
Multicultural, one 3 credit course required
International, one 3 credit course required
These courses may overlap with general education and major requirements. A single course may not meet the multicultural and international requirements simultaneously. For the list of approved multicultural and international courses, go to: www.unlv.edu/provost/multicultural-requirements.
Major Requirements - BSED in Elementary Education (Grades K-8) - Subtotal: 75 credits
Education Core Requirements - Credits: 15
- EDU 280 - Valuing Cultural Diversity (see note 4)
- EPY 303 - Educational Psychology
- EDSP 432 - Parent Involvement and Family Engagement for Students with/without Disabilities
EDSP 432 - Parent Involvement and Family Engagement for Students with/without Disabilities
Loading from UNLV Catalog…Close - EDSP 411 - Students with Disabilities in General Education Settings
EDSP 411 - Students with Disabilities in General Education Settings
Loading from UNLV Catalog…Close - EDEL 405 - Curriculum and Assessment Elementary Education
- or
- EPY 451 - Foundations of Educational Assessment
Elementary Program Requirements - Credits: 42
- EDU 201 - Introduction to Elementary Education
- or
- EDEL 301 - Elem Curriculum and Foundations for Global Teaching
- EDU 214E - Preparing Teachers to Use Technology
- EDEL 331 - Teaching Elementary School Art
- or
- MUS 453 - Music Skills for Classroom Teachers
- EDEL 323 - Teaching and Learning Elementary Education
- or
- EDEL 324 - Elementary Methods and Assessment for Global Teaching
- EDEL 408 - Classroom Management Elementary Education
- EDEL 433 - Teaching Elementary School Mathematics
- EDEL 443 - Teaching Elementary School Science
- EDEL 453 - Teaching Elementary School Social Studies
- EDRL 401 - Children's Literature Elementary School Curriculum
- EDRL 442 - Literacy Instruction I
- or
- EDRL 443 - Literacy Instruction II: Clinic-based
- EDRL 471 - Theory and Practice for Academic English Language Development
EDRL 471 - Theory and Practice for Academic English Language Development
Loading from UNLV Catalog…Close - EDRL 474 - Methods and Curriculum for Teaching English Language
- 3 Credit Course in Multi-tiered Systems of Support:
- EDSP 464 - Intensification of Instruction through Multi-tiered Systems of Support
EDSP 464 - Intensification of Instruction through Multi-tiered Systems of Support
Loading from UNLV Catalog…Close - 3 Credit course in Child Development and Learning:
- ECE 250 - Orientation to Early Childhood Education
Field Experiences - Total Credits: 18
- EDEL 311 - Elementary Methods Practicum I
- EDEL 313 - Elementary Methods Practicum II
- and
- EDEL 482 - Elementary Supervised Student Teaching Seminar
- and complete 10 credits of:
- EDEL 481 - Elementary Supervised Student Teaching
- or
- EDEL 483 - Elementary Supervised Teaching Internship
- or
- EDEL 485 - Elementary Supervised Teaching Residency Student
General Electives - Credits: 0-6
See note 5
Total Credits: 120
- Humanities and fine arts (9) [Humanities 6; Fine Arts 3]
- Social science: automatically satisfied by major requirements
- Life and physical science and analytical thinking (10) [sciences 7 (science w/ lab 4; non-lab science 3); analytical thinking 3]
- EDU 280 also fulfills the multicultural requirement of the general education core. One 3-credit elective course in Humanities and Fine Arts electives should be chosen to satisfy the International Requirement.
- The minimum number of credits required to earn this degree is 120. Total credits depend upon the student's teaching field and choice of first-year experience course.
- EDEL 311is a Milestone Experience course Elementary Education B.S.Loading from UNLV Catalog…
- EDEL 481is a Culminating Experience course for Elementary Education B.S.Loading from UNLV Catalog…
Department of Teaching and Learning
We are focused on educational research and the preparation of educators at all levels. In addition to our bachelor’s, master’s, and doctoral degree programs, our professional education programs focus on essential knowledge, established and current research findings, and sound professional practice.
College of Education
The College of Education creates an intellectual environment that promotes quality instruction, significant research, and professional service. With four unique departments, graduates receive the necessary tools and experiences to make an impact on local, national, and global scales.