The accounting discipline has undergone massive changes in the last few years, becoming both broader and more complex. Accountants are trusted, objective professionals who provide information for decision making and serve as business advisers. Many accountants land top executive positions because of their background, integrity, and skills developed through education and professional experience. The accounting program is accredited by AACSB — The Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business.
All accounting majors admitted into the major are required to earn a minimum B- in ACC 201 & ACC 202. If you have already completed ACC 201 & 202 at another institution, see the Undergraduate Advising Center.
For information regarding accreditation at UNLV, please head over to Academic Program Accreditations.
Learning Outcomes
Upon completion of the B.S.B.A. in Accounting program, students should be able to:
- Understand accounting principles necessary to launch a professional career.
- Apply critical and analytical decision-making skills to accounting issues.
- Communicate professionally.
- Recognize ethical and legal issues facing financial professionals.
- Understand current events in the global business environment.
- Work effectively in a team setting.
- Effectively use emerging accounting and business information technology.
- Research technical accounting issues.
Career Possibilities
- Careers123.63 KB
Accounting (BSBA)
The accounting discipline has undergone massive changes in the last few years, becoming both broader and more complex. Accountants are trusted, objective professionals who provide information for decision making and serve as business advisers. Many accountants land top executive positions because of their background, integrity, and skills developed through education and professional experience. The Bachelor of Science in Business Administration (BSBA) in Accounting is accredited by AACSB — The Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business.
Please see the UNLV Lee Business School, Department of Accounting web page for information about department programs, faculty and facilities. Degree worksheets and 4/5 year plan for the major are available on the UNLV Degrees Directory.
Learning Outcomes
Upon completion of the BSBA in Accounting program, students should be able to:
- Think critically.
- Apply analytical/decision-making skills to accounting issues.
- Communicate well both in writing and orally.
- Understand ethical issues facing accountants.
- Apply interpersonal and teamwork skills.
- Use technology appropriate to accounting.
- Research accounting issues.
Please see advising information at the UNLV Lee Business School Student Advising Center.
For information regarding accreditation at UNLV, please head over to Academic Program Accreditations.
University Graduation Requirements
Please see
for complete information.Accounting (BSBA) Degree Requirements - Total Credits: 120
Any course that is included as a prerequisite for a Lee Business School course requires a minimum grade of C or better.
General Education Requirements - Credits: 35-46
First-Year Seminar - Credits: 2-3
English Composition - Credits: 6
Second-Year Seminar - Credits: 3
Constitutions - Credits: 3-6
Mathematics - Credits: 3
- MATH 124 - College Algebra (or higher)
Distribution Requirement - Credits: 18-19
Please see
for more information.- Humanities and Fine Arts - Credits: 9
- Humanities, 6 credits required from two different areas. It is recommended that students take COM 101 - Public Speaking, as one of the humanities coursesLoading from UNLV Catalog…
- Fine Arts, 3 credits required
- Humanities, 6 credits required from two different areas. It is recommended that students take
- Social Science
- Automatically satisfied by business requirements
- Life and Physical Sciences and Analytical Thinking - Credits: 6-7
- Science with a lab or non-lab science
- Analytical Thinking 3 credit course
Multicultural and International Requirement (Credits: 0-6)
Multicultural, one 3 credit course required
International, one 3 credit course required
These courses may overlap with general education and major requirements. A single course may not meet the multicultural and international requirements simultaneously. Visit the Provost webpage for the list of approved Multicultural and International courses.
Business Administration Core Requirements - Credits: 42-45
- ACC 201 - Financial Accounting
- ACC 202 - Managerial Accounting
- ECON 102 - Principles of Microeconomics
- ECON 103 - Principles of Macroeconomics
- ECON 261 - Principles of Statistics I
- IS 101 - Introduction to Information Systems or Microsoft Office proficiency or equivalent.
- ACC 473 - Law for Accountants I
- FIN 301 - Principles of Managerial Finance
- IS 330 - Strategic Management of Technology and Innovation
- ACC 435 - Accounting Data Analytics
- MGT 301 - Principles of Management and Organizational Behavior
- MGT 371 - Leadership and Managerial Skills
- MKT 301 - Marketing Management
- SCM 352 - Operations Management
- Select one capstone course from:
- BUS 496 - Strategic Management and Policy
- BUS 498 - Global Business Strategy
Other Lee Business School Requirements - Credits: 6-7
Major Requirements - BSBA in Accounting - Credits: 24
All courses in the major requirements section must be completed with a grade of C or better.
- ACC 400 - The Accounting Environment
- ACC 401 - Financial Reporting I
- ACC 402 - Financial Reporting II
- ACC 405 - Cost Management and Control
- ACC 409 - Accounting Information Systems
- ACC 410 - Federal Taxation
- ACC 470 - Auditing and Assurance Services
- one three-credit upper-division (300- or 400-level) accounting elective.
General Electives - Credits: 0-13
The number of general electives necessary for each student varies based on how many credits a student uses to satisfy the requirements identified above. The minimum credits required to earn a degree from Lee Business School is 120.
Total Credits: 120
- Students planning to take the CPA examination should take additional courses at the graduate level. Consult with the State Board of Accountancy for CPA examination requirements.
- Students preparing for careers in industry should consider taking ACC 420as an upper-division accounting elective.Loading from UNLV Catalog…
- Students interested in focusing their elective course work should consult an advisor early in their academic career to allow for proper planning of electives.
- All courses in the major requirements section must be completed with a grade of C or better.
- Any course that is included as a prerequisite for a Lee Business School course requires a minimum grade of C or better.
- BUS 321andLoading from UNLV Catalog…ACC 400are Milestone Experience courses for Accounting B.S.B.A.Loading from UNLV Catalog…
- ACC 402is a Culminating Experience course for the Accounting B.S.B.A.Loading from UNLV Catalog…
Department of Accounting
The Department of Accounting provides a curriculum that dynamically blends theory and practice. Accounting students are prepared to pursue careers and advancement in the areas of taxation, public accounting, managerial or corporate accounting, and government.
Lee Business School
The Lee Business School advances the knowledge and practice of business; develops business leaders; and fosters intellectual and economic vitality through the creation and dissemination of knowledge and outreach.