Standards and Guidelines

  • The UNLV logo may not be modified in any way.
  • The UNLV logo may not be combined with any other mark or type unless previously approved by UNLV's creative director or specified contractually.
  • The UNLV logo should not be printed over an image.
  • Sufficient space must always be placed around the mark.
Official UNLV Logo

Official UNLV Logo

Surrounding Space

A minimum of X (X=1/2 the height of the logo) space should be provided around the UNLV logo.

The logo should not appear to be joined with any non-approved elements. Special consideration may be made on electronic communications, apparel, and small items where space is at a premium, provided the logo does not appear to be part of another element.

Logo padding

Overprinting and insufficient contrast

Correct Usage

Red Logo

Scarlet and white use

Light Background Logo

Use scarlet logo when on a light colored background.

Black Logo

Black and white use

Dark Background Logo

Use white logo when on a dark background.

Incorrect Usage

Incorrect Colors Logo

Non-UNLV colors or screening

Unapproved Elements Logo

Combining the logo with unapproved elements

Rotated Logo


Overprinting and insufficient contrast

Overprinting and insufficient contrast

Incorrect scaling

Incorrect scaling