Transforming the global community through collaboration, scholarship, and innovation

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Our College

Female student painting on a canvas
Woman in a graceful dance pose in front of a mirror showing a reflection of a class full of women in a dance poses
Female student sitting down behind a camera in a dimly lit room
On a theatre stage there are three men in suits surrounding a small table next to a man wrapped in blankets on a bed
Two female students building a large model of a cluster of buildings
Woman passionately playing a large stringed instrument in an outdoor setting
Three students working on a large metal structure
Man holding the waist of a ballet dancer during a performance
Man in casual clothing performing on stage surrounded by three other performers
Undergraduate degrees awarded
Graduate degrees awarded
Arts Majors
UNLV College of Fine Arts - Wide Variety of Artistic Disciplines
Dean Nancy Uscher

Welcome from the Dean

I am delighted to welcome you to the UNLV College of Fine Arts website!

11 members of Voctave pose as a group

The group, performing at the PAC, will showcase voices from diverse musical backgrounds and experiences, including contemporary Christian, musical theatre, barbershop, and more!

jazz vocalists performing on stage

The premier jazz vocal ensemble will sing holiday hits from Frank Sinatra, Elvis, Celine Dion, and other Vegas legends.

three costumed characters from the Merry Wives of Windsor

Performances continue Dec. 12-14 in the Black Box Theatre.


This month’s frosty headlines and highlights from the students and faculty of UNLV.

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College of Fine Arts on the Move


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