Barrick intern Alina Lindquist was chosen as a Winter 2020 Outstanding Graduate and noted her research at the Museum as a highlight of her undergraduate studies.
The Marjorie Barrick Museum offers internships to UNLV students from all disciplines. Past interns have taken part in a diverse range of occupations, including exhibition installation, curation, and art handling, as well as the day-to-day activities of interacting with visitors and maintaining museum databases. Please keep in mind that the experiences we are able to accommodate will change depending on our exhibition schedule.
Internships usually last an entire semester, but specific requirements are dependent upon the course the student is registered for. Students who are interested in an internship at the Barrick Museum should speak with the academic advisor for their major to learn what internship courses are available to them, before contacting the Barrick at barrick.museum@unlv.edu.
Projects by Past Interns
- Research intern Jessica Walesa recaps her first week as an intern.
- View the digital catalog for "Stars on the Ground" a research-based exhibition curated by intern Melisa Christ.
- Then intern Dan Hernandez organized a fabulous community art day event "Create, Connect, Explore" featuring female artists of all ages.
- Intern Alina Lindquist assisted a multidisciplinary team of researchers for the Barrick's "Research, Technology, and Touch" project to bring three ancient artifacts alive through new technologies. Alina (pictured above) was honored as a Winter 2020 Outstanding Graduate, and listed her time at the Museum as one of the highlights of her undergraduate experience.