UNLV’s Employee Assistance Program (EAP) provider ComPsych offers online resources that focus on various wellness topics. Resources include digital toolkits with curated information, interactive training modules, and newsletters with relevant articles and helpful tips.
EAP resources are available to all UNLV employees and eligible dependents.
Diabetes Awareness Month
Diabetes Awareness Month is observed in November. Individuals can show their support throughout the month and on World Diabetes Day (Nov. 14) by wearing blue or participating in fundraisers and local community events. There’s no cure for diabetes and there are many health problems that can arise for those at risk or living with the disease.
ComPsych’s diabetes awareness resources include:
- Learning the different types of diabetes
- Symptoms and causes of diabetes
- Learning how to manage blood glucose levels
- Developing healthy eating and physical activity habits
Visit ComPsych’s website and register using the organization Web ID: UNLVEAP for additional resources.
Managing Holiday Stress Webinar
The approaching holiday season brings many expectations. From office parties and family get-togethers to attending events and thinking about gifts to buy, the holidays can be one of the happiest times of the year, yet one of the most stressful.
Learn techniques for maintaining balance and keeping stress from overwhelming you this holiday season in a free webinar from ComPsych on Wednesday, Nov. 8 at 9 a.m. Register via GoToWebinar.