Photo of Marion Smith in the center with clip art of bubbles surrounding it.
Jun. 27, 2024

Name: Marion Smith Jr.

Degree: Class of 2002 B.S. Secondary Education, English Literature

Current Role: Assistant State Superintendent for the Office of Instructional Programs & Services at the Maryland State Department of Education 

Why did you choose UNLV? What led you to pursue your degree in education?

I’m originally from Las Vegas. Throughout my childhood, I was always supported by the Rebel community. So, when it came to deciding on which university to attend, UNLV was my first choice because I wanted to give back to a community that has supported me. I enrolled as a secondary education student because I wanted to be part of transforming education for the better by offering students the same opportunities.

How did your experience at UNLV help you find your first position after graduation?

UNLV provided me with great access to professors, which was beneficial because I could engage with them directly after class. The curriculum was also strong, and it challenged me to grow as an educator. Now, I'm an Assistant State Superintendent for the Maryland State Department of Education.

Any favorite courses while at UNLV?

The class I really enjoyed the most was practicum (student teaching). Having seminar conversations was beneficial for me in applying what I learned.

What advice would you give UNLV students currently?

You need to take in what Las Vegas has to offer and get out of your shell. Be open to learning new things, unlearn something you already knew, and relearn things you might’ve known.

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