Residency Status

Residency status is determined at the time of admission and reflected on your official Letter of Admission to the college. If your residency is classified as “Non-Nevada Resident,” you will be charged non-resident tuition fees when you register for classes. An initial determination of non-resident status does not change unless or until the student applies for and is approved for in state residency.

For full details about Nevada Residency, visit the Board of Regents Handbook, Title 4 Chapter 15: Regulations for Determining Residency and Tuition Charges.

If you believe you qualify for “In State,” review through the three options to establish residence in the Residency Application form.

Application Deadlines

Fall Term

  • First day to apply for in-state residency - July 1
  • Last day to apply for in-state residency - Friday after the start of classes

Spring Term

  • First day to apply for in-state residency - November 1
  • Last day to apply for in-state residency - Friday after the start of classes

Summer Term

  • First day to apply for in-state residency - April 1
  • Last day to apply for in-state residency - Friday after the start of classes

Submit Your Application

It is preferred that you submit your application through the Rebel Success Hub. You may also submit the residency application via email to

Residency Appeal

The Board of Regents and the State of Nevada establish the requirements for residency. If an application for residency is denied, students have the right to submit a letter of appeal and supporting documentation within 30 days of the denial decision. The Residency Appeals Committee will review the application and make a final decision.

Appeal letters and additional documentation can be submitted along with your application on the Rebel Success Hub or via email to

Western Undergraduate Exchange (WUE) Scholarship

As stated in the Board of Regents handbook, a student who was initially enrolled in a NSHE institution under the WUE program shall not be reclassified as a resident student following matriculation unless the student disenrolls from the WUE program and pays full nonresident tuition for at least twelve months. A residency application using option 3 must be submitted.

Frequently Asked Questions

