Experts In The News

Post and Courier

South Carolina's Democratic lawmakers still hope the state will one day legalize sports gambling, but they admit the risks may be too high for Republicans to take a chance on it this session.

Public News Service

Progressive groups cried foul when a federal judge released Cliven Bundy last week, but others say justice was served - even if the debate continues over federal control of public lands.

Inside Higher Ed

The #metoo movement is all about personalizing the issue of harassment, bringing it from the abstract to the concrete and personal. But every choice to disclose involves professional and personal risks, as evidenced by one professor’s recent comments at the Southern Political Science Association and on social media.

Las Vegas Review Journal

When CES kicked off Tuesday morning, it was the second consecutive CES without any women in top keynote slots — those addressing the entire conference.

Las Vegas Review Journal

When CES kicked off Tuesday morning, it was the second consecutive CES without any women in top keynote slots — those addressing the entire conference.

K.N.P.R. News

A federal judge in California last week ruled that the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals Program – or DACA – must continue despite President Donald Trump’s vow to stop the program unless Congress can agree to legislation by March 5.


A recent study found that people think that women who decide to keep their surname after marriage have more authority over them. This, however, affects how people see the spouse.


A few decades ago, at the time of the marriage, the women almost always took the full name of the husband, with the suffix "va" in Hungary. Wives, however, now have plenty of choices outside of this version. There is a great deal of popularity in getting their parents' surnames or fitting them with their own hyphen in front of their first name.