Frank Cucinotta (Health Physics & Diagnostic Sciences) has had his work published in multiple journals. He co-authored "The Hohmann-Parker Effect Measured by the Mars Science Laboratory on the Transfer from Earth to Mars: Consequences and Opportunities," which reports a new effect describing the solar magnetic field lines at spacecraft as they…
Amy Bouchard (Alumni) was recognized by CASE District VII Awards of Excellence with a silver award in the category of Alumni Relations Programs - Marketing & Branding for work she did on the UNLV Alumni Association's UNLVIP membership program.
Jean Sternlight (Law) made a presentation on "Disarming Employees? Examining Case Outcomes and Legal Representation in Employment Arbitration" at the University of California, Berkeley School of Law in February. The talk was part of a symposium on forced arbitration in the workplace.
Donald Revell (English) has been chosen as this year's Phi Beta Kappa Poet for the annual Literary Exercises at Harvard University's commencement. Poets so honored in the past include Robert Creely, Allen Ginsburg, and Seamus Heany. Revell currently is writing a poem specifically for the occasion. Its over-arching theme will be the reason of…
Ruben Garcia (Law) last month began his two-year term as co-president of the Society of American Law Teachers, a national organization dedicated to the improvement of legal education by emphasizing the values of justice, diversity, and academic excellence.
David Fott (Political Science) recently had a book published by Cornell University Press. The press published his translations of Cicero's "On the Republic" and "On the Laws."
Alfredo Fernandez-Gonzalez (Architecture) has been invited as an expert speaker to address two workshops in China. The first, organized by China's National Energy Administration and funded by the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation Secretariat, is titled "Low Carbon Model Town Development Index System." The second workshop, "New Skins of Green…
Takashi Yamashita (Sociology) was one of the authors of a recently published study, "An International Comparison of the Ohio Department of Aging-Resident Satisfaction Survey: Applicability in a U.S. And Canadian Sample." Coauthors were Heather Cooke of the Centre on Aging at the University of Victoria in British Columbia, J. Scott Brown and Jane…
Eunja Kim (Physics) and Ken Czerwinski (Chemistry) collaborated with Philippe Weck of Sandia National Laboratories on a research project that was selected as the Nov. 21, 2013, cover of the prestigious journal Dalton Transactions, which is the international journal for inorganic, organometallic, and bioinorganic chemistry. The article is "…
With a little guidance from his mother, the new director of Student Diversity Programs is ready to cheer on and empower UNLV's diverse student population.