Vicki Holmes (English Language Center) and Ellen Dougherty (College of Education) presented sessions on incorporating technology in the ESL classroom at the International TESOL (Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages) meeting in Philadelphia in March and at the NAFSA: Association of International Educators annual meeting in Houston in…
Lisa Kelleher (Intercollegiate Athletics) and Starr Wharton (Student Recreation and Wellness Center) attended the Step UP! Be a Leader; Make A Difference facilitator training at the University of Arizona. The pro-social behavior and bystander intervention program educates students to be proactive in helping others. It raises awareness of help…
David Loeb performed George Gershwin's "Rhapsody in Blue" with the Las Vegas Philharmonic at the Smith Center in April, receiving a standing ovation from the audience. He also was the featured pianist for Laura Karpmann's "Ask Your Mama: Twelve Moods for Jazz," based on the Langston Hughes poem that was recently recorded at George Lucas's…
Michael Wilder is presenting "Building Online Learning Communities with Multiuser Blogging Environments" at conferences this summer. Last month he presented at the Defense Acquisition University and George Mason University, which hosted the educational conference Innovations in eLearning VIII. In July he will present the paper in Las Vegas at…
The Office of Institutional Analysis and Planning has achieved national recognition for developing UNLV's enterprise data warehouse and business intelligence tool, MYUNLV Analytics, allowing campus employees access to accurate, actionable information to carry out their responsibilities. Office staff members have presented papers on different…
Kari Coburn and Mike Ellison (Institutional Analysis and Planning) made invited presentations at both the annual forum of the Rocky Mountain Association for Institutional Research in Albuquerque in October and at the annual forum of the Association for Institutional Research in New Orleans in June. Coburn's presentation was "Establishing an…
Christina Drum (Institutional Analysis and Planning) made invited presentations at both the annual forum of the Rocky Mountain Association for Institutional Research in Albuquerque in October and at the Higher Education Data Warehousing Conference in Austin, Texas, in April. She presented "Of Forests and Trees: Institutional Data Definitions and…
Dan Bubb (Academic Assessment) has written a book, Landing In Las Vegas: Commercial Aviation and the Making of a Tourist City, which became available in bookstores at the end of May. It was published by University of Nevada Press.
Shannon Monnat (Sociology) won a poster session award at the annual meeting of the Population Association of America (PPA) for her poster "Do Contextual Conditions Moderate the Relationship between Race/Ethnicity and Mammogram Utilization." The PPA is the official international professional organization of demographers.

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