UNLV Office of Sponsored Programs (OSP) is excited to announce the release of Cayuse Sponsored Projects (SP). Cayuse is UNLV’s cloud-based software solution for research administration. Cayuse SP will serve as the University-wide grants management pre-award and post-award system. Cayuse SP will allow for a more streamlined and efficient connection between systems. Cayuse will go live July 1, 2024.

Cayuse includes many improvements such as;

  • electronic proposal submission
  • centralized dashboards
  • streamlined routing
  • simplified electronic approvals
  • improved track changes


Helpful Information

All users can access the Help Center, “How To” guides, and Announcements by clicking the question mark icon found at the bottom right of your Cayuse dashboard at (link to be provided after training).

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I access Cayuse SP?

You can access Cayuse from (link to be provided after training) with your ACE ID - UNLV username and password (single sign-on).

Access your user profile by clicking on your name at the top right-hand corner of the Cayuse platform at (link to be provided after training) and selecting “My Profile” This is where you will access your profile and attach your biosketch/CV within Cayuse.

When is the training?

To prepare for the transition, OSP has developed an online training module. Self-enroll in this Cayuse SP - Proposals WebCampus course. The course is an introduction to Cayuse SP and offers users an understanding of the various elements and functionality within Cayuse SP as well as information regarding proposal development, review, and approval.

In addition to the online pre-recorded resources, the OSP training team will schedule Zoom and in-person training with individual Schools and departments.

Register for OSP Cayuse SP Training

You can also schedule a one-on-one or small group training session by emailing (ospCayuse@unlv.edu). Please include the date and time you are wanting to schedule your training.

What are user roles?

All members on a “Research Team” (as named in the Cayuse Proposal and Award Record) can see all proposals and awards on which they are named.

All College-level review teams (e.g., Dean, Associate Dean for Research) can see the proposals and awards of Research Team members who are administratively housed in their unit.

User Roles in Cayuse
UNLV User Type Role Assigned by OSP Permissions/Functions

Principal Investigator, Co-Principal Investigator, Co-Investigator, Investigator

(Note Non-key investigators can be given access to the Proposal Record)

SP User
  • create a new proposal record.
  • view or edit proposals where they are named on the Research Team. 
  • view awards where they have been assigned on the Research Team.
  • Certify (approve) proposals for submission and awards prior to set up.
College Administration (Deans, Business Officers, and their delegates) SP Proposal & Award Reviewer
  • View or approve proposals within their unit.
  • View and approve awards within their unit.
Research Compliance areas (IRB, IACUC, Risk Management and Safety, etc.) Unit Team Reviewer Receive notifications on proposals within their compliance areas and can view proposal and award information.
OSP Proposal Team SP Proposal & Award Administrator Full access to all proposal and award records in Cayuse SP.
OSP Award Team SP Award Administrator Full access to all award records in Cayuse SP.
How do I submit a proposal for external sponsored funding at UNLV?

You must initiate and complete a Proposal Record from within Cayuse Sponsored Projects in order to submit a proposal for external sponsored funding at UNLV. Your assigned OSP Research Administrator can assist with this process.

Important: Test proposals should never be created. Only initiate a new Proposal Record if you will be submitting a proposal (or if you will be a subrecipient on another institution’s proposal).

All members named on the “Research Team” in the proposal and award record are able to view and edit the Proposal Record and must certify proposals prior to submission.

Colleges will need to approve the Proposal Record on behalf of Research Team members which indicates their authorization of the submission, confirms approval of any cost share indicated, and confirms that appropriate space, facilities, and personal are in place to support the project.

From the proposal dashboard, users can filter proposals by status or other search criteria. Cayuse generates a proposal number that follows the record through the award stage. Each Proposal Record includes tabs to view the routing members, history, access permissions, attachments and more

Internal Deadline: Proposals should be initiated within the system five days prior to proposal submission and be fully approved prior to submission.

What is an award record?

All sponsored projects managed through OSP have an Award Record in Cayuse.

The Cayuse Award Record includes award information, budget information, and copy of award.

All members on the project's Research Team, as well as their college administration designees, will have access to all the Award Records on which they are named. Award records can be searched from the Award Dashboard within Cayuse Sponsored Projects.

How do I access and manage tasks?

The Cayuse Platform has task management functionality that is utilized to notify users of necessary actions that must be completed throughout the proposal and award process. When a task is created, the completer of the task will receive an email notification from “Cayuse Administration” where they can view the details of the task and what documentation needs to be uploaded (if needed).

Please note that you will only receive one notification email when you are assigned a task, as Cayuse does not send reminder emails at this time. The notification email will include a link to the Cayuse homepage where you can view a list of any tasks that you've created, closed, or been assigned at (link to be provided after training). Clicking on a task from the Cayuse homepage will link you to its associated record. Please make sure to close a task once it has been completed.


Cayuse Questions and Troubleshooting


General OSP Questions
