DERM 2000: Dermatology Learning Modules
Section: 1006

Course Section Credits Instructor Dates Status Call Number
DERM 2000 1006 2 (4 max credits) Jan. 6, 2025 to Jun. 30, 2025 Open 24803


The Basic Dermatology Curriculum exists as a 2 week or 4 week rotation. Each is designed as a supplement to a clinical rotation. In the absence of clinical experience (ie, entirely distant learning), students will complete the 4 week rotation in 2 weeks time. Each module is approximately 30 minutes long. In the condensed schedule (see below), there will be approximately 4-5 modules each day. Therefore, students will have ample time to study the materials and seek out additional resources. On the last day of the rotation, the students will attend an online interactive session with a dermatologist. The content of this session is at the discretion of the preceptor, which may include: The preceptor will discuss a topic of interest. Students will discuss any questions from the modules. Students may be asked to make short presentations. The dermatologist preceptor is available throughout the entire duration to give advice and answer questions.


School of Medicine student +

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