Webinar: Expanding Students' Worldviews: Assessing and Activating Globalization at Colleges and Universities


May. 1, 2024, 4pm to 5pm

Office/Remote Location

Linc Johnson, the presenter of this webinar.


What can staff, faculty, and administrators do to ensure we are creating "global citizens" with "global consciousness" as many institutions' missions and visions proclaim? Linc Johnson, Ed.D., will be presenting an engaging and meaningful discussion on the activities, priorities, and models that will help to build student engagement through meaningful interaction, collaboration, and international cooperation. Expanding students' worldviews is an attainable goal and Johnson will share the tools you need to determine where to best direct your energies and expand your own worldview. 

Admission is free and CEUs are available for those attending the live event. A recording of the event will be available online.


Linc Johnson, Visiting Assistant Professor, Department of Early Childhood, Multilingual, and Special Education

Linc Johnson, Ed.D. began his career in teaching at the ripe, old age of 22, becoming a special education teacher for the first 20 years and then promoting into administration. He comes to UNLV from a successful background as a professor teaching English at Los Angeles Southwest College and Cerro Coso Community College. He also was professor of teacher education at California State University, working at the Dominguez Hills, Bakersfield and San Diego State campuses. His research interests are globalization in higher education, expanding students' worldviews, student engagement and interaction, multicultural education, over-representation in special education and recruitment/retention of male teachers, especially from BIPOC backgrounds.



Admission Information

RSVP online to receive a Zoom link for the event.

Contact Information

UNLV College of Education
Jenn Oshiro Rivers