Bach's Coffee Cantata and Peasant Cantata


May. 8, 2024, 7:30pm to 8:30pm

Office/Remote Location

Dr. Arturo Rando-Grillot Recital Hall


Soprano Olivia Yokers performs Johann Sebastian Bach's "Coffee Cantata," BWV 211, and "Peasant Cantata," BWV 212 with chamber orchestra. Presented as her Doctor of Musical Arts chamber recital, Yokers will be joined by Dr. Jonathan Rhodes Lee, Lauren Zwonik, Dr. Gregory Maldonado, Jason Guzman, David Levin, Buddy Collier, Matthew Keenan, Joshua Thomas, and Collin Salmon. Bach's cantatas will be sung in the original German with English subtitles.

Parking: Attendees are welcome to park in the Cottage Grove Parking Garage. Parking is free after 7 p.m. Monday through Thursday; Fridays after 1 p.m.; and all day Saturdays and Sundays. During these times, visitors may park in any staff, student, or visitor space free of charge. Please observe handicapped/disabled, reserved, resident, and emergency parking restrictions at all times.

Admission Information

This event is free and open to the public.

Contact Information

UNLV School of Music